UPDATE: Licensing and enforcement of ENDS products On December 19, 2024, the United States District Court for the District of Rhode Island denied an injunction sought by plaintiffs to enjoin the flavored ENDS ban. At this time, the flavored ENDS ban will be enforceable on its effective date of January 1, 2025.Licensing and enforcement of Electronic Nicotine-Delivery System (ENDS) products, also known as ecigarettes or vapes, are being transitioned to the Rhode Island Division of Taxation. For more information, please see the Division’s Notice and/or visit the ENDS tax webpage.
Ruling Request No. 92-02 Ruling Request No. 92-02 Re: Request for Declaratory Ruling Relating to Certain Purchases Under Hard-to-Dispose Materials Law Facts A company purchases petroleum-based or synthetic lubricating oils which have been recycled and/or re-refined. The Department of Environmental Management has informed the company that a tax is due to the State under Chapter 44-44 when said materials are used for lubricating purposes. Ruling Requested Whether or not a tax is due on petroleum-based or synthetic lubricating oil which is recycled and/or re-refined if such oil is used for lubricating purposes. Discussion R.I.G.L. 37-15.1-3 and Regulation LIT 90-2 Section I, define "Hard-to-dispose material" as follows: "Hard-to-dispose material" means and encompasses the following materials: petroleum-based or synthetic lubricating oils, including, but not limited to, lubricants in internal combustion engines; tires used on motorized vehicles and trailers, including cars; trucks, buses, and heavy construction equipment; glycol-based antifreeze and organic solvents. A petroleum-based or synthetic lubricating oil which is recycled and/or re-refined is not, nor shall it be considered, a hard-to-dispose material.(emphasis added) Both the law and the regulation specifically exclude from the definition of hard-to-dispose materials petroleum-based or synthetic lubricating oil which is recycled and/or re-refined. The law and regulation are clear and unambiguous. There is no further language in the law relating to a subsequent use as a lubricant. Ruling Petroleum-based or synthetic lubricating oil which is recycled and/or re-refined is not a hard-to-dispose material subject to tax under Chapter 44-44. This ruling may be relied upon by this taxpayer and shall be valid until the applicable statutory provisions are amended in a manner requiring a different result or until the underlying factual presentation changes. R. Gary Clark Tax Administrator February 18, 1992