UPDATE: Licensing and enforcement of ENDS products On December 19, 2024, the United States District Court for the District of Rhode Island denied an injunction sought by plaintiffs to enjoin the flavored ENDS ban. At this time, the flavored ENDS ban will be enforceable on its effective date of January 1, 2025.Licensing and enforcement of Electronic Nicotine-Delivery System (ENDS) products, also known as ecigarettes or vapes, are being transitioned to the Rhode Island Division of Taxation. For more information, please see the Division’s Notice and/or visit the ENDS tax webpage.
Business Tax Forms Business tax forms are organized by tax type. Select the tax type of the form you are looking for to be directed to that page. In accordance with changes signed into law in June of 2022, a larger business registrant will be required to use electronic means to file returns and remit taxes to the State of Rhode Island for tax periods beginning on or after January 1, 2023. Visit our Electronic Filing Mandate page for more information on this requirement. Bank Deposits, Bank Excise, Insurance, Public Service Corporate Employment Healthcare Provider Pass-through Withholding and Composite Pass-through Entity Election Sales and Excise Withholding